Thursday, August 28, 2014

How much exercise is required for your dog?

"A man's soul should be judged on the way he treats his dog." -Charles Doran

There amount of time and energy that one dog requires varies from pup to pup; every dog is different.  Certain breeds are known for having  more energy then others, some have extended puppy hoods , others are known to be very relaxed lounge dogs, certain breeds seem to have a never ending amount of energy, and so on.   It is important to research the type of dog that you are interested in BEFORE purchasing it. 

Yes,  a dog you're looking into buying may seem very adorable until you learn that they will have an insane amont of energy for the first five or more years of their lives.  Will your hectic schedule allot time to take the dog out as often as it needs?  Are you an active person but you're looking at a breed that is known for having a very low energy level? Questions such as these are vital when looking into your new furry family member. 

It is recommend that the average dog gets a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, and a maximum of 60 minutes of exercise daily. Of course, this varies by dog as well. Some may require more then one hour per day such as my dog (her energy never seems to end!) 

For some dogs that do not get enough exercise there can be serious consequences. First, they can develop health issues such as weight gain, heart problems, diabetes- all of which can negatively affect your dogs bone health.  This could heighten the risk or condition of hip dysplasia and/or arthritis. 

Another implication of not getting enough exercise is that your dog may start to destroy your house while they attempt to burn their energy on their own. Your dog may be showing signs of anxiety as a result of not having the ability to have an outlet for their energy. 

Of course taking your dog on a walk is an obvious way to help them use up their stored energy. Other ideas include teaching your dog new tricks. Dogs can become very mental and physically drained while trying to learn something new and challenging. Dogs like to feel accomplished and love to be praised when they are doing something right. My favorite way to tire out my dog is to take her on a walk in the morning, and take her to the dog park just after she eats her dinner. She is able to run free, play with other dogs, relax when she chooses, and this is a great way to have her socialize with people as well. After about 45 minutes to 1 hour at the dog park she is ready to sleep all night! 

Here is a link to find a dog park near you!

Here's another option for looking up dog parks