Sunday, May 18, 2014

adopting a dog

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” 

-Roger A. Caras     
     So today I adopted my second dog.  The first one was 12 years ago, and that was my family dog.  Now that I'm done with college, have my own place, and was lonely without a cute cuddly pup I knew it was time to start looking for my new furry friend.  I wasn't sure where to start.  Should I look for a breeder?  Well, I do love certain breeds like huskies, labs, German Shepherds, etc. However, these dogs will probably get a home, they are very expensive, they might come with their first shot out of the three, they aren't fixed, and there is a large risk for genetic mishaps.  So, it quickly became clear to me that I should start looking at adoption.  

     After about a month or so of searching I found the furry love of my life.  I think she is the cutest thing ever.  I did some research on what is important to know/do when adopting a dog.  Below is a following list of the 5 tips to know before bringing your new dog home, and 5 tips for the first day with the dog.  Although they are basic, they are vital.  

Here's my new girl, Ava!  

Before you bring your puppy home:
1) If you plan on crate training your dog, have the crate set up before they come to the house for the first time.
2) Make sure you see the dogs health history.
3) Dog proof your house, just as you would for a child. Put away any harmful substances or items that they harm them.
4) Purchase all the items that your dog will need beforehand such as dog bowls, food, leash/collar, tags, brush, shampoo, toys, etc.  It is never good to bring a dog home without any of the basics.
5) Research local vets. Find out different rates that they may have and they can also guide you and help answer questions.

First day home:
1) Attempt to keep the dog on the same food that they were on while at the kennels.  This will help to avoid any digestive issues.
2) Introduce the dog to where you want them to relieve themselves.  Routinely bring the dog to that area to try to avoid accidents.  Follow up with praise when the dog relieves themselves where you want them to.
3) Show the dog their new home to get them acclimated.
4) If you are crate training your dog, introduce them to their crate the first day.  You want the dog to feel comfortable inside there; the dog should feel like this is there space to relax and be safe.
5) Try to start a schedule such as walking, feeding, relieving themselves, and so on right from day one.  When a routine is in place it helps both the owner and the dog.

Here's a video which provides a few more helpful ideas:
AVMA tips for adopting a dog

I just saw this flier the other day, so I figured I would share it here if you live in RI or the surrounding area!  

I plan on posting weekly about everything dog related.  There are tons of dog lovers out there, so hopefully I can help teach and inform both myself and others at the same time.  

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