Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ice is nice

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog. ~Ambrose Bierce

The past few days have been pretty hot.  I took my dog out on a walk, and before long she was hot.  I brought her back into the house, and even with the air conditioner blasting she was still burning up.  So my fiancé gave her a couple ice cubes.  Instantly I took the ice cubes away from her.  I always heard that ice cubes could result in stomach problems.

Quickly I researched if dogs can eat ice cubes.  All of the websites said that it was ok for a few reasons.  First, ice cubes are good for cleaning your dog’s teeth.  Next, it is a quick way to cool your dog down.  My dog loved eating them immediately.  She thought of them as treats.

A couple days later I took her on another walk and again she was very hot by the time we returned to the house.  I went into the freezer and popped out a couple cubes, and gave them to my dog.  Only a few minutes after she ate them she threw up. 

Again, I went online to find out what happened.  I found out that when you give an overheated dog ice, it shocks their system causing them to vomit.  The only time it is appropriate to give a dog ice is when they have been indoors and their body temperature is regulated. 

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of the ice cube.  Dogs can choke on ice if the cube is too large.  Make sure the cubes are an appropriate size for your dog. Also, be aware if your dog has dental issues. Not all dogs have the ability to chew the cubes.

Here's a few pictures of my dog, Ava chewing on an ice cube. She's loving it!

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