Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why do dogs eat grass?

Properly trained, a man can be a dogs best friend. ~Corey Ford

Here's Ava happily munching on some grass at the park yesterday. 

My dog loves eating grass. She eats it once in a while, and she happily licks her big black lips while she gulps down each blade of grass.  So what’s the deal?  Why do dogs like to eat grass?  With the expensive dog food that Ava (my dog) gets, one would think that she wouldn’t be craving boring old grass.  Yet, she continues to eat grass here and there. 

Where does this behavior come from?  Well, this started back when dogs were wild and not domesticated.  When wolfs ate their prey, they would eat every last bite including their organs.  Their prey’s bellies and intestines typically contained grass and other plants.  As time has evolved dogs still continue to ingest grass, however not in such a way as wolves.  They get the easy route; eating from our lawns. 

It is thought that eating grass provides aid with digestion.  However, only when ingesting in moderation. Some believe that when a dog ingests a large amount of grass it is because they are trying to induce vomiting.  It is believed that a dog will sense that it does not feel well, so they will force themselves to become sick.  Therefore, keep a close eye on what your dog is doing.  If they are becoming sick you may want to bring them to see the vet for any possible problems.

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